Thursday, May 16, 2013

Time Flies

In about two weeks I will be heading off to Casa Bernabe!

I have been meaning to do another blog post for a few weeks now, but things have been kinda crazy so this is just a quick update. Here is some of what has been going on recently:
  • My sister, Teisha, left to go back to the U.S. to work for the summer and then she will be heading to New York to go to Bible school for two years.
  • I had some dental work done poorly which ended up turning into almost two weeks of pain and now I am four wisdom teeth short. On the bright side, we now have one dentist we can recommend and one that we know to stay away from. ;)
  • I have been doing lots of school work, but I am now in the final week of the class!
  • We are starting to have teams coming from the U.S. so that is keeping us all busy.
  • We just got word that our group home should be opening any time now… that means we are finishing up some last minute things before kids start showing up!
  • And on top of all that, I have been trying to get things ready for my move to Casa Bernabe.

The next couple weeks involve me doing some shopping, packing, getting together with friends, celebrating Brittney’s birthday, and spending time with the family. I am planning on doing a better update after I am at Casa Bernabe for a little bit. I will make sure to post lots of pictures and give a more exciting update! 

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