Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A few years later and EVERYTHING has changed…

I haven't been the most consistent blogger... like ever. But I'm going to try (REALLY try) to change that. 

My last update was from November of 2013 when I was finishing up my time at Casa Bernabe. SO MUCH has changed since then and I don’t want to bore anyone with the whole long story so here is the very quick update of what has happened since November of 2013:
  • 2014 - I worked at Hogar de la Esperanza while finishing my online classes. 
  • January-May 2015 - I completed student teaching in Ohio and then I finally graduated!! I now have teaching licenses in special education and early childhood education. 
  • April 4, 2015 - I got engaged to Andi Brubaker! 
  • Summer of 2015 - I lived in Pennsylvania with my grandparents and got to spend time getting to know Andi's family. 
  • October 24, 2015 - Andi and I got married in Guatemala and then we had a second wedding two weeks later on November 7th in Pennsylvania :) 
  • Right now, Andi and I are living in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, working, and raising support so we can move to Guatemala in August.

Wedding photos!! 

Now, for a ministry update...

Everyone who knows me knows that I have been preparing for years to teach special education in Guatemala. That plan has not changed, but has expanded over the past year. Often, teachers who work with children with disabilities in Guatemala are not trained correctly or at all. I plan on building relationships with already existing schools to provide training for these teachers or help to get a special education program started. Hopefully this training will open up opportunities for more children to participate in school and provide a better education with the ultimate purpose of showing that God values those with disabilities and has a purpose for each of their lives.

Until we move to Guatemala, I am staying busy as a prekindergarten teacher while Andi and I are raising support. I am also really enjoying getting to spend time with all of Andi's family and my mom's side of the family who live in this area.

That's basically what's going on in my life. Hopefully, I will get better at this whole blogging thing so I don't have to do any more of these update posts ;)