Saturday, February 11, 2017

A glimpse into my life

Checha has been doing really well with his schooling, We hit a wall a while back when it seemed that he was forgetting many of the letters he had already learned. I wondered if seizure activity was causing this so he went in for testing and they determined that he wasn't having seizures. This was great news to hear, but it made me realize that it was going to be more difficult for him to learn so I had to reevaluate the teaching strategies I had been using with him. I realized that I had to come up with a new way to help him remember his letters. Checha can communicate well through speaking, but he started learning to sign the letters as well as saying a word that starts with each letter. This helps him to make connections through multiple senses. He is seeing the letters, doing the signs with his hand, hearing the sounds each letter makes, and then saying the name of each letter. It is amazing how well he is doing with all of this! If he forgets what letter it is, he can usually come up with the sign and the word that goes with it which then helps him to remember the letter. He just finished learning the while alphabet this past week! In addition to that, he can now spell his name (Cesar) and his nickname (Checha) and he has been practicing writing his name on his own. It has been made clear that writing is extremely difficult for him because of his coordination and difficulty with fine motor skills so we are beginning typing classes. He is so excited about this! He is still working to be able to write his name, but we believe that reading and spelling can be best learned through typing for him. Please pray for Checha as he has such a desire to learn, but he gets discouraged when he can't get it right away.

My sisters, Carissa and Taryn, who have been in Uganda are here for a visit!! There were some issues with visa renewal and plane tickets so they ended up getting to come to Guatemala for a few weeks.

Also, Brittney and Joel moved to the area for a couple weeks as the due date for their son was getting close and their doctor is in Antigua. The baby decided he didn't want to wait any longer so Christopher Caleb Caal Fulp was born on Friday, Februlary 3rd (10 days early)! 

Christopher Caleb Caal Fulp

We are loving this time with our new little nephew!

We have been attending Shoreline Guatemala church in Antigua since November. The church has been such a blessing to us since moving here. It is a new, quickly growing bilingual church plant of Shoreline Dallas. The church just found a permanent place to meet so that is very exciting news. The past couple months, we had to wait for an email on Friday or Saturday telling us where and what time the church was going to meet on Sunday. That's just something to get used to living in Guatemala; being flexible and patient like this is an everyday thing here. On Sunday, we were getting our message from the Shoreline Dallas pastor. We had our regular worship time, mingle time, some announcements, and then our pastor got up to say that the message was on it's way... literally on a motorcycle on it's way to the church. Shoreline Dallas had to upload the message and then we had to download it, but internet speed slowed things down. It's funny how in this culture, nobody even cared. We just got extra time to get a drink or donut or just sit and visit with those sitting around us. 

I told Andi a couple weeks ago that I know there are things I can be doing to get ready for future special education ministry, but I lack the motivation right now to get those things done. Earlier this week, my dad contacted me with an opportunity to do exactly what God has called me to do. There is a family here who has a daughter with Down syndrome. She attends a school, but her teacher doesn't know how to help her learn. They asked me if I would go to meet and evaluate her to then come up with an educational plan. I met her yesterday and she is such a joy to be around! There is a special place in my heart for those with Down syndrome and I am excited about the chance to work with her more!! The goal is for me to work to train her teacher and possibly an aide so they know how to best help this little girl. God knows that I often need a push to make me start into something new. My fears keep me from moving forward. This opportunity is exactly what I need. I am excited to see how this will build my confidence and push me forward!

Thank you for your prayers!

Krishauna and Andi